expectation n. 1.期待,期望;所希望的东西。 2.〔pl.〕 前程,(发迹,继承遗产的)希望。 3.估计。 4.期待疗法。 5.【数学】期望值。 against [contrary to] expectation出乎预料。 answer [meet] sb.'s expectation (=come up to sb.'s expectation ) 不负所望。 beyond expectation 料想不到地。 expectation of life 平均寿命 (=life expectancy)。 fall short of [do not come up to] sb.'s expectation 辜负期望;使人失望。 have [entertain, cherish] great expectations 抱有极大的希望。 in expectation指望中的。 in expectation of 预料着,指望着。 a man of (great) expectations 有承受巨大遗产或取得高位希望的人。
according adv. 照,依,据,按。 according as 照,依照,据,随。 according to 照,依照,据,据…所说(according to his account 照他的话。 according to all accounts 照大家的话。 act according to circumstances 随机应变。 from each according to his ability, to each according to his work 各尽所能,按劳分配)。